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This workshop will help care partners (family and friends) of people living with dementia gain practical tips and strategies that help care partners identify possible risks and make the necessary modifications at different stages of the disease. We will discuss general home safety tips as well as emphasizing additional precautions that can help support people living with dementia, discuss the importance of home as part of an individual’s identity, review supportive strategies and the available resources and supports in the community.
For family caregivers related to a person living with dementia. 

Online via Zoom
In-Person at Providence Healthcare – Scotiabank Learning Centre (Rm B156):
3276 St. Clair Ave. East, Scarborough, ON, M1L 1W1
For those who wish to attend In-Person but anticipate some barriers to accessing Providence’s location, please call 416-285-3666 x4177 for support.
For those attending at Providence Healthcare, free light refreshments will be provided
All are welcome and paid parking is available on-site.
Registration is required to participate.

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