IG Wealth Management Walk for Alzheimer’s – Fundraising Tips & Tools2023-05-12T10:41:13-04:00

Fundraising Tips & Tools

Boost your fundraising with these five easy tips and tools.

1. Have fun and be creative!

  • Follow your Fitbit, smartphone, or smartwatch step tracker. Log your steps and challenge friends to match your mark using social media.
  • Do the funniest Monty Python-esque walk around your home, and challenge your friends to top it
  • Do a funky dance in your home, then share it as a video online on Instagram, Facebook, etc
  • Challenge your friends to who can climb the most stairs.
  • Your dog can help fundraise, too! Take it out for extra walks

2. Make it real

If you’ve got a story, special memory or fantastic person you’re walking for, share it! It will motivate people to support your fundraising efforts. Record personal expressions of support and pledge your support online.

3. Ask, ask, ask!

Why don’t some people give money? Because they’re never asked! Make a commitment to ask at least one person every day for a donation.

4. Invite past donors to renew their donation

Many donors give to the same charity year after year. Don’t be afraid to remind them that you’re walking again this year.

5. Keep the momentum

The earlier you start fundraising, the better. Always follow up with every person you’ve asked. And if they donated, don’t forget to thank them.

Join us on May 25, for a celebratory Walk at historic Fort York! We are inviting all the communities in Toronto to come together collaboratively to honour those impacted by dementia. Whoever you’re walking for, rally your team members, tie up those laces and get ready to join with family, friends and your community for a day of celebration.



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