Health Care Professionals
We support Personal Support Workers (PSW) and other allied health care professionals (social workers, nurses occupational and recreational aides etc) through education and training.

Learn about Dementia and Dementia Care
Increase your knowledge and understanding of Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia by learning in an environment best suited for your needs.
Find out more about our offerings by clicking on the boxes on the image below or by downloading the Roadmap to Dementia Education and Training.

Dementia Foundations
Dementia Foundations is the first step in your dementia education journey, this training program is aimed at enhancing the baseline knowledge of front line health care professionals.

Gentle Persuasive Approaches®
Gentle Persuasive Approaches (GPA)® improve your skill and confidence in responding respectfully to responsive behaviours associated with dementia .

Take our dementia care programs to increase your skill and confidence in providing the most effective and up to date care for people living with dementia.

Palliative Care
This training program is aimed at enhancing the knowledge of frontline staff in caring for people with dementia.

This workshop is for health care providers and staff who provide direct care to people with behaviour changes due to dementia or other cognitive impairment.

U-First!® Advanced
U-First!® is an innovative education program for all members of the care team who are supporting people with behaviour changes due to dementia or other cognitive impairment.