Alzheimer Society of Toronto Announces Change in
Health Care Professional Education Programs
I am writing to provide updates regarding our Health Care Professional education. As part of the larger group of Alzheimer Societies in Ontario, we are striving to provide a consistent education experience for professionals across the province. As such, we are excited to expand our offerings of the U-First! suite of education programs and will be discontinuing Dementia Care Training Program (DCTP) and our Behavioural Supports Training Program (BSTP). This change will be effective April 1, 2022.
U-First!® is an innovative education program for all members of the care team that are supporting people with behaviour changes due to dementia or other cognitive impairment. This includes health care staff providing direct care and care partners (family and friends).
U-First!® includes a suite of programs available to meet different learning needs. This includes:
- U-First!® for Health Care Providers for frontline members of the team providing direct care
- U-First!® Advanced for those health care providers who have already taken U-First!® and want to enhance their skills
- U-First!® for Care Partners for family members and friends providing direct support
For those who have already completed the Dementia Care Training Program, this will not affect your U-First!® certification as these courses have embedded the U-First!® framework within its curriculum. U-First!® Advanced is a new program that we will be introducing in lieu of the Behavioural Supports Training Program. While both programs have comparable elements, we would recommend that all graduates of the Dementia Care Training Program take U-First!® Advanced as the next step to your professional development in dementia knowledge and skill building.
Thank you for your ongoing support and participation in our programs. For many years the Public Education Coordinators at the Alzheimer Society of Toronto have been a strong supporter of dementia education for health care professionals. We have trained thousands of learners in certificate training programs, workshops, and education forums and events.
We are excited to enter this new chapter and are continuing to look at ways to support our health care professionals in dementia-related education. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me directly.
Julie Wong
Education and Regional Support Lead