Leave a Legacy
By 2030, almost one million Canadians will be living with dementia; over the next 30 years, the Canadian population impacted by dementia is anticipated to increase by more than 185%. Recognizing the Alzheimer Society of Toronto in your will or estate plans will help ensure that all those living with dementia will be able to benefit from the supports and care they deserve.
When you leave a planned gift to AST in your will, you are ensuring support for those impacted by dementia now and in the future. A gift in your will can also provide tax benefits to you and your family – it is a legacy of care.

The most common type of legacy gift is a charitable bequest in a person’s Will. There are many additional ways of planning a legacy git including are life insurance policies and charitable remainder trusts. Most of the gifts involve planning, however they are easy to arrange. Your financial or estate advisor will be helpful in helping you arrange your gift.
Some of the many benefits of making a legacy gift to the Alzheimer Society of Toronto include:
- Your donation is made from assets, not current income. Gifts are planned today for distribution at some time in the future.
- Significant tax advantages (under current laws) are recognized through planned gifts.
- Your giving can be tailored to your personal and financial circumstances.
Leaving a gift to the Alzheimer Society of Toronto will help ensure coming generations will have access to the supports, education and care needed, for them and their families, should they face a dementia diagnosis. Our free legacy guide shares more information on what to consider, in your own time, when thinking about a planned gift.
Enter your details below to find out more about leaving your legacy, and to download your free guide to leaving a gift in a new or existing Will.
If you would prefer to have your guide sent to you by mail, please send an email to legacygiving@alz.to and we will be happy to mail.
AST encourages all donors to seek independent legal and financial advice when planning a legacy gift.