U-First! Advanced (for Health Care Professionals) [BSO]

U-First! Advanced (for Health Care Professionals) [BSO]

Date: January 22, 2025

Time: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm

Cost: Free

Location: Virtual Event

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U-First!® Advanced is a new education program for health care staff  who provide direct care, who have already taken U-First!®  and want to enhance their skills and ability to apply the U-First!® Framework.

This 6 hour education program will help you to:

  • Deepen your understanding and ability to apply the U-First! Framework
  • Improve collaboration among all members of the team, including care partners
  • Increase the wellbeing of people experiencing behaviour changes
  • Reduce stress and increase job satisfaction for you and for others on the team
Who should attend?
U-First!® Advanced is for healthcare professionals who have previously taken part in a U-First!® Basics for Health Care Professionals or U-First!® Online course and want to enhance their skills and ability to apply the U-First!® Framework.
Health care and other service providers with a direct role in supporting people experiencing behaviour changes due to dementia or other cognitive impairment in a variety of settings (e.g. Support Workers, Dietary staff, Recreation staff, Housekeeping, Developmental Service Workers, Adult Day Program staff).


Eligibility Criteria:
1) Must be currently in a healthcare role supporting people experiencing behaviour changes due to dementia or other cognitive impairment in a team setting (i.e. LTC, retirement home, Adult Day Program etc.)
2) Must have previously taken part in a U-First!® Basics for Health Care Professionals or U-First!® Online course. It must be at least 6 months or more ago that the course was taken, to allow participants to have had the chance to practice the U-First!® framework.


Date and Time: 

Wednesday, January 22nd from 9:00am to 4:00pm

**We will be mailing you a workbook before the training date, provide us with your complete mailing address including apartment number when you register. If you do not have the workbook at the training date, you will not be permitted to the training.

Program is presented using Zoom.
Registration is required.
Registration deadline is Wednesday, January 15th, 2025


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Price: Free