TEACH Program (Training, Education, and Assistance for Caregiving at Home)

TEACH Program (Training, Education, and Assistance for Caregiving at Home)

Date: April 10


12:00 pm - 1:30 pm

Cost: Free

Location: Virtual Event



A man and a woman speaking together across a table
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The TEACH (Training, Education, and Assistance for Caregiving at Home) Program is a Reitman Centre caregiver program which consists of 4 weekly group sessions that are each 90 minutes long.

Learning objectives:

  • Focus on common caregiving themes including; self-care, healthcare system navigation, relationship changes and future planning
  • Coaches care partners in practical communication and coping skills
  • Provides opportunity to share and learn from other care partners


Session dates:
Thursdays from 12:00pm–1:30pm, starting April 10th, ending May 1st.

  • Week 1 – April 10th
  • Week 2 – April 17th
  • Week 3 – April 24th
  • Week 4 – May 1st

Please note, participants are expected to commit to all 4 sessions listed above. Kindly register only if these dates work for you.
If this schedule does not work for you at this time, you are encouraged to check out our ongoing support groups that are available for registration month-to-month. See a list of upcoming support groups here.


Location: This program takes place online using Zoom.


Registration and an assessment appointment (in-person or via Zoom) are prerequisites. Registration closes on March 31st.
An Enhancing Care Clinician in the Social Work Department will contact you for your assessment.