

Dementia and Epilepsy: What You Need to Know

Virtual Event Virtual Event

This workshop provides an overview of the relationship between dementia and epilepsy, as well as the various types of seizures. It will focus on how to notice signs of a seizure and what to do if a seizure occurs. This workshop is a collaboration between the Alzheimer Society of Toronto and NeuroBridge, a University of Toronto medical student club dedicated to bridging neuroscience education and community engagement.

Event Series CARERS Program

Spousal CARERS Program

Virtual Event Virtual Event

This 8-week online program is for care partners of people with mid- to late-stage dementia. CARERS is a comprehensive dementia care program that supports problem-solving skill development and introduces the innovative use of standardized patients – actors trained to simulate real-life situations – so that caregivers, guided by expert clinical coaches, will learn how to address communication challenges.

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TEACH Program (Training, Education, and Assistance for Caregiving at Home)

Virtual Event Virtual Event

The TEACH Program consists of 4 weekly group sessions that focuses on common caregiving themes; self-care, healthcare system navigation, relationship changes and future planning. The program coaches care partners in practical communication and coping skills, and provides an opportunity to share and learn from other care partners.

Dementia and Developmental Disabilities

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Enhance your knowledge of Developmental Disabilities (DD) and Dementia.
This course will explore the unique challenges faced by the person and their families and opportunities to support someone who is living with developmental disabilities and dementia.

Dementia Overview for Care Partners

Virtual Event Virtual Event

This workshop will provide care partners with an overview of Alzheimer’s disease focusing on the importance of early diagnosis and illustrates the progression of the disease.

Event Series Adult Child CARERS Program

Adult Child CARERS Program

Virtual Event Virtual Event

This 8-week online program is for adult child care partners of people with mid- to late-stage dementia. CARERS is a comprehensive dementia care program that supports problem-solving skill development and introduces the innovative use of standardized patients – actors trained to simulate real-life situations – so that caregivers, guided by expert clinical coaches, will learn how to address communication challenges.

Coping with Death and Grief

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Losing someone who had dementia can be a unique and complex experience for those who cared for them. This presentation will explore these issues, identify various approaches to grief, and suggest ways for care partners to cope with loss.

“What’s First?” – A Workshop for People Diagnosed with Dementia or Experiencing Changes in Cognition

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Too often, clients shared that they wish they had learned what they would learn later in their journey but much earlier, expressing how key insight on the dementia experience would have improved their overall dementia journey.
This brand-new workshop was designed by AST social workers in collaboration with caregivers, people experiencing cognitive changes, and various dementia specialists to offer key knowledge at the start of the dementia journey.

TEACH Program (Training, Education, and Assistance for Caregiving at Home)

Alzheimer Society of Toronto Head Office 20 Eglinton Ave West, 16th floor, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

The TEACH Program consists of 4 weekly group sessions that focuses on common caregiving themes; self-care, healthcare system navigation, relationship changes and future planning. The program coaches care partners in practical communication and coping skills, and provides an opportunity to share and learn from other care partners.