20 Sep

Partner of the Month – Chartwell


Thank you to our partner of the month, Chartwell Retirement Residences, for their commitment in supporting the Alzheimer Society of Toronto. Next month, Chartwell Retirement Residences will be featured as part of our Alzheimer Society Speaker Series!

“We are honoured to partner with The Alzheimer Society of Toronto,” says Rene Vanderhaeghe “Alzheimer’s is a disease we encounter often, if not daily, at our retirement residences, and we see the impact it has on people living with it, as well as their family and friends too. We want to share some of the support options available to caregivers, including retirement living, and impart some tips and resources that can help caregivers cope and navigate what to do next.”
Thank you to Chartwell Retirement Residences for your commitment to Making People’s Lives Better by providing fulfilling life experiences for seniors and peace of mind for their loved ones.
To find out more information about Chartwell Retirement Residences and the services they offer, please visit chartwell.com
Partner of the Month – Chartwell2022-09-20T14:25:04-04:00
17 Jun

Partner of the Month: Hello Fresh


Shout out to our partner of the month, HelloFresh Canada, for choosing the Alzheimer Society of Toronto as one of their charitable causes to support through their fundraising program.
The HelloFresh fundraising program was created to help charities raise funds for every box ordered. By using the link, https://www.hellofresh.ca/plans?c=AST to order your food boxes, $10 from every order is donated back to the Alzheimer Society of Toronto.

In addition to supporting us through the fundraising program, HelloFresh Canada, has also committed to supporting various events throughout year. Most recently, they supported the IG Wealth Management Walk for Alzheimer’s as an in-kind sponsor and created a team to participate in the event. Thank you to the wonderful team at HelloFresh Canada for their support!
*Conditions apply: Fundraising Program is only eligible for up to 10 boxes.

Partner of the Month: Hello Fresh2022-06-17T09:16:17-04:00
26 May

Partner of the Month: Toronto Memory Program


Shout out to our partner of the month, Toronto Memory Program, for the amazing work that they do in the diagnosis and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease as well as their continued commitment to supporting the Alzheimer Society of Toronto.

Most recently, Toronto Memory Program sponsored the IG Wealth Management Walk for Alzheimer’s!

“The Alzheimer Society of Toronto is a terrific partner in the fight against Alzheimer’s disease”, says Dr. Sharon Cohen, Medical Director of Toronto Memory Program. “In addition to offering a broad range of services, AST enthusiastically joins us in making clinical research accessible to the community, thereby advancing science and providing hope for the future.”

Thank you to the wonderful team at Toronto Memory Program for the support they provide to people living with dementia and their families.

Stay tuned for upcoming Speaker Series events with Toronto Memory Program!

Partner of the Month: Toronto Memory Program2022-05-26T14:48:20-04:00
24 Jan

Guest Feature: Assessing Alzheimer’s Risk Using the Spartan Cube APOE System


The knowledge that we gain through clinical research helps improve the ways we can prevent, diagnose, and treat Alzheimer’s and dementias– but researchers can’t do it alone. They need volunteers in order to improve the lives of those who have been affected by Alzheimer’s or other dementias. Click here to learn more about clinical trials and decide if it’s right for you and your family.

Preventing Alzheimer’s disease is a complicated but essential undertaking.  Clinical trials to assess prevention strategies are finally underway and all of us can participate in moving these trials forward.  Assessing one’s risk for developing Alzheimer’s disease can be an important starting point.  A new technology to assess a risk factor gene for Alzheimer’s disease from a cheek swab sample is now available and can determine who is at increased risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.  This risk factor gene is known as APOE and it is the APOE4 version of the gene that increases our risk. One copy of E4 increases our risk 3-fold while two copies of E4 increase our risk 8-12 fold.  The higher one’s risk, the more relevant it is to consider joining a prevention study.

The SPARTAN CUBE APOE system is a 5”x 5” device created by Spartan Bioscience, Inc. for rapid assessment of one’s APOE genes from a cheek swab sample. The device is approved for research use and yields results with greater than 95% accuracy. Individuals who provide a cheek swab specimen may opt to be contacted only if they are eligible to join a prevention study or alternatively, individuals may wish to learn their APOE results regardless of a study opportunity.

A registry at Toronto Memory Program is currently enlisting individuals who carry one or more copies of the E4 gene in order that these individuals may be invited to join current or future Alzheimer’s prevention studies. Individuals who are over the age of 60 and who are cognitively well, or have only mild cognitive symptoms, may be eligible for these studies.

A cheek swab takes a few minutes and is painless. The cost of this genetic test is covered by the research program.  Disclosure of results is done by knowledgeable professionals and only if one wishes to learn one’s results.  There is no impact on your insurance or employment as per Canada’s Bill S-201 (the Genetic Non-discrimination Act).

In the past, the responsibility has fallen on those already affected with Alzheimer’s disease to join studies and help us find better treatments. We owe much gratitude to these volunteers. Now all of us can get involved, starting with a cheek swab. Let us be the generation that takes action to prevent Alzheimer’s disease for ourselves and for generations to come.

– Dr. Sharon Cohen, Neurologist at Toronto Memory Program

To book an appointment for a cheek swab, or to join a cheek swab event, contact Toronto Memory Program’s research line at 416-386-9606.

Guest Feature: Assessing Alzheimer’s Risk Using the Spartan Cube APOE System2019-04-25T19:48:38-04:00
12 May

We can’t tell you we’re the best…


But our families sure can!


“I came here to die, but now I’m here to live” – Mrs. Jacobs. as quoted by her son two weeks after moving into One Kenton Place.

Mrs. Jacobs is 96 years old and lives with dementia. She was brought to One Kenton Place by her loving and doting children after an extensive search of the city’s array of memory care residences.

“Why did you choose One Kenton Place?” I asked her son. 

“You could feel the love and compassion the moment you stepped through these doors,” he replied.

Since One Kenton Place opened its doors in 2014, our primary focus has been on creating an environment rooted in resident-centred care. As we moved through our process of welcoming new residents to our home, we asked ourselves, ‘Are we truly resident-centered?’  Does our perception of quality care mirror the perceptions of our residents and their families? With longer life expectancies, levels of care are changing within the senior living sector, particularly in the areas of memory care. So, how do we really know that we’re truly delivering quality care, and have been successful in accomplishing our resident-centred goals?

Through client testimonials, that’s how….

“My husband never said more than four words at home, but he hasn’t stopped talking since he came here!”  – Mr. Jones’ wife. as quoted a week after he moved into One Kenton Place.

Mr. Jones has been living with Alzheimer’s disease for the past ten years, and had been living at home. As his day-to-day needs grew in complexity, Mr. Jones’ loving and dedicated wife had to make the difficult decision to move him into a memory care residence. After visiting One Kenton Place she knew it was the right fit for him.

“How is everything going so far?” I asked his wife after one of her visits.

“Amazing! Just amazing! My husband is a completely different person here,” she replied.

Providing personalized care without compromise in a joyful and loving home for all people living with dementia is one of our guiding principles. However, making it a reality for all of our residents is our MISSION.



AlzTo Community Partners

The Alzheimer Society of Toronto shares educational opportunities available through third party community organization to its community and stakeholders. We only do this if we believe the information is aligned with our mission and consistent with your expressed interest in our work. This is not an endorsement of the Community Partner and should only be viewed as information that was believed to be of interest to our community members.

If you have questions or comments about the content, please contact write@alz.to.


We can’t tell you we’re the best…2019-04-25T19:48:38-04:00

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