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This ongoing monthly support group provides an opportunity for care partners of individuals living with dementia to come together to support each other through the caregiving experience. 

Learning Objectives:

  • Opportunity to share insights and experiences with each other related to their personal caregiving experiences
  • Discuss and share different strategies regarding self-care and care for their family members (including stress, communication and responding to behaviours)
  • Receive updated information about dementia and the services available at the Alzheimer Sociery of Toronto and in the community
This Support Group meets every last Monday of the month from 10:00am to 12:00pm online using Zoom.  

Registration required; group will be held via Zoom and instructions will be provided prior to the group.

**Disclaimer: Please note that registration for this group closes at midnight (12am) the business day prior to the session.  Your registration for this session does not apply to future drop-in dates. Please check your junk/spam email box if you do not receive the registration confirmation email**

* PLEASE NOTE, THIS EVENT IS FOR INFORMAL CAREGIVERS/PARTNERS/FAMILY/FRIENDS. If you are a formal Healthcare Provider, please see program offerings: https://alz.to/courses-learning-programs/

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