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This monthly caregiver support group will provide an opportunity for caregivers of individuals living with dementia residing in long-term care to come together to share personal feelings and support each other through the caregiving experience.
Should you choose to participate in this group please know that we expect you to observe the strictest confidentiality. In order to participate in this group, the person you support must have some cognitive impairment and you or the resident must live in the M postal code.

To guide discussion, the group will focus on a different theme relating to LTC on each month.

Themes that will be discussed include:

  • Transition to LTC
  • Managing feelings of guilt, relief and sadness
  • How to prepare for Plan of Care Meetings and what to expect
  • Family Councils
  • Grief and Ambiguous Loss
  • Advanced Health Care Planning
  • What are responsive behaviours and why do they happen?
  • Activities to engage the person you are supporting
  • Special Occasions

    Every 1st Thursday of the month from 5:30pm to 7:00pm online using Zoom
    Zoom information will be provided via email at least 24-48 hours prior to the date

    *Disclaimer: Registration is required for this group and closes at midnight (12am) the Sunday prior to the session.
    Your registration for this session does not apply to future dates. Please check your junk/spam email box if you do not receive the registration confirmation email.
    If you are having trouble registering, please let us know by emailing: intake@alz.to
    If you are a formal Healthcare Provider, please see program offerings: https://alz.to/courses-learning-programs/

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