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This 4-week online caregiver support group will provide an opportunity for care partners of individuals living with dementia to come together to support each other through the caregiving experience, with a structured focus on the concept of “Ambiguous Loss”. This group is inspired by Pauline Boss’ book “Loving Someone With Dementia“.

Learning Objectives

– Develop an understanding of the concept of “Ambiguous Loss” and ambiguous loss in the context of dementia, and how this unique type of loss differs from other losses
– Develop coping strategies to implement in their own lives
– Obtain a better understanding of their own experiences of grief related to caring for their family member
– Engage in self reflection and share insights related to their caregiving experience
– Learn from others on adjusting to the losses and their own changing relationship to self and others
This group will run for four consecutive weeks online using Zoom.
Zoom information will be provided via email at least 24-48 hours prior to the start date.
Session dates:
Thursdays from 10am–12pm, starting Januray 30th ending February 20th.
– Week 1 – January 30th
– Week 2 – February 6th
– Week 3 – February 13th
– Week 4 – February 20th
* Please note, participants are expected to commit to all 4 sessions listed above. Kindly register only if these dates work for you. If this schedule does not work for you at this time, you’re encouraged to check out our ongoing support groups that are available for registration month-to-month. See a list of upcoming support groups here!
Registration is required and closes on January 23rd at 11:59 pm.
Please check your junk/spam if you do not receive a confirmation email upon registration. Zoom information will be provided via email approximately 24-48 hours prior to the first session. If you need registration support, please contact us at: intake@alz.to.
If you are a FORMAL Healthcare Provider, please see program offerings here: https://alz.to/courses-learning-programs/

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