
Dementia Foundations: The first step in your dementia education journey.

This 3-hour course will provide you with a foundation of dementia, enabling you to enhance your knowledge in providing quality care for persons living with dementia.

By the end of this 3 hour course, learners will be able to:

  • Describe Person-Centered Care
  • Describe general aspects of aging, Alzheimer’s disease and dementia
  • Interpret how changes in the brain associated with Alzheimer’s disease will affect all aspects of an individual’s life
  • Recognize that challenging behaviour is responsive behaviour
  • Recall services and programs offered by the local Alzheimer Society for professionals, people living with dementia and their care partners

Learners are highly encouraged to take this course before registering for U-First! Basics or Palliative care to enhance the learning experience.

Click the link below to register:–urj4vGtUgY8ykRPhUVTnNYbOn-fYc

Workshop will be presented using Zoom. Registration is required.

The E.A.S.E program is a 4 session program developed for PSWs currently working with persons living with dementia.

The program will engage PSWs in dementia education, giving practical tools to improve the level of care and support provided to persons living with dementia and the PSW – a real-life approach. PSW’s will leave each session with tools/ideas to use right away on the job.

NOTE: Each session is a stand-alone but can be taken in tandem. Registration is required for each session. Learners who complete all four sessions within a 1 year period (April-March) will be eligible for a certificate acknowledging their participation.

Thursdays, November 7th, 14th, 21st, and 28th.

12pm – 1pm

Session 4 – Personal Challenges
Persons we work with may exhibit behaviours that trigger a response in our own selves. In this session we explore coping strategies

The presentation will be online via Zoom, and you will receive the Zoom link after you register.

The E.A.S.E program is a 4 session program developed for PSWs currently working with persons living with dementia.

The program will engage PSWs in dementia education, giving practical tools to improve the level of care and support provided to persons living with dementia and the PSW – a real-life approach. PSW’s will leave each session with tools/ideas to use right away on the job.

NOTE: Each session is a stand-alone but can be taken in tandem. Registration is required for each session. Learners who complete all four sessions within a 1 year period (April-March) will be eligible for a certificate acknowledging their participation.

Thursdays, November 7th, 14th, 21st, and 28th.

12pm – 1pm

Session 3 – Tips in Supporting People with Dementia
It is empowering to have a tool belt of resources at our fingertips. In this session we explore various methods we can use to provide a positive approach to interaction.

The presentation will be online via Zoom, and you will receive the Zoom link after you register.

The E.A.S.E program is a 4 session program developed for PSWs currently working with persons living with dementia.

The program will engage PSWs in dementia education, giving practical tools to improve the level of care and support provided to persons living with dementia and the PSW – a real-life approach. PSW’s will leave each session with tools/ideas to use right away on the job.

NOTE: Each session is a stand-alone but can be taken in tandem. Registration is required for each session. Learners who complete all four sessions within a 1 year period (April-March) will be eligible for a certificate acknowledging their participation.

Thursdays, November 7th, 14th, 21st, and 28th.

12pm – 1pm

Session 2 – Supporting Responsive Behaviours
Our life’s story can become our behaviors: how can a PLWDs past dictate how they present in the here and now?

The presentation will be online via Zoom, and you will receive the Zoom link after you register.

The E.A.S.E program is a 4 session program developed for PSWs currently working with persons living with dementia.

The program will engage PSWs in dementia education, giving practical tools to improve the level of care and support provided to persons living with dementia and the PSW – a real-life approach. PSW’s will leave each session with tools/ideas to use right away on the job.

NOTE: Each session is a stand-alone but can be taken in tandem. Registration is required for each session. Learners who complete all four sessions within a 1 year period (April-March) will be eligible for a certificate acknowledging their participation.

Thursdays, November 7th, 14th, 21st, and 28th.

12pm – 1pm

Session 1 – Supporting Symptoms of Dementia
In this session we explore the symptoms of dementia, what they may look like and the impact they can have when giving support to person’s living with dementia.

The presentation will be online via Zoom, and you will receive the Zoom link after you register.